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13 documents in this collection
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(2) Hilberseimer, Ludwig
images/editor/book_open.png Entfaltung einer Planungsidee (1963)
docInfo - Book
(3) Hilberseimer, Ludwig
images/editor/book_open.png Berliner Architektur der 20er Jahre (1967)
docInfo - Book
(5) Brown, Denise Scott Izenour, Steven Venturi, Robert
images/editor/book_open.png Learning from Las Vegas The forgotten symbolism of architectural form (1977)
docInfo - Book
(6) Venturi, Robert
images/editor/book_open.png Complexity and contradiction in architecture (1977)
docInfo - Book
(8) Branzi, Andrea
images/editor/book_open.png The hot house Italian new wave design (1984)
docInfo - Book
(12) Rojek, Chris [Hrsg.]
images/editor/book_open.png Touring cultures transformations of travel and theory (1997)
docInfo - Book
(13) Klingmann, Anna
images/editor/book_open.png Brandscapes architecture in the experience economy (2007)
docInfo - Book