/ 22 pages
Towards a Communicative Theology - [2005-01]Jnanadeepa - Pune journa... (2005)

JPJRS 8/1 ISSN 0972-3331, Jan 2005 108-126

Towards a Communicative

Matthias Scharer and Teresa Peter

Dept Practical Theology, University of Innbsruck


The following article is made up of two parts. In the first part Teresa
Peter works on the comparison between the Indian approach of
"Cross-Cultural Theology as Encounter", as developed by Francis
D'Sa, using the approach of the "Communicative Theology". The
second part by Matthias Scharer gives an introduction to the main
elements of the "Communicative Theology". Communicative-theo¬
logical processes are found at the interface of theological research
on the one hand and of the practice of faith and religion on the other
hand. This practice provokes a theological reflection again in return
and this reflection is nourished by the actual practices and experi¬
ences. In the field of this interplay of theological reflection and
communicative practice of faith and religion the perspective of a
hermeneutics of difference can be considered as a productive
challenge for an intercultural and interreligious dialogue, which gives
special theological attention also to conflictive encounter-experi¬


Communicative-theology, practical theology, conflict-resolution,
cross-cultural theology, encounter, transformation, communicatio

The following article on Communicative Theology is made up
of two parts, one written by Matthias Scharer, the other by Teresa
Peter. In the first part Teresa Peter works on the comparison
between the Indian approach of "Cross-Cultural Theology as
Encounter", as it has been developed by Francis D'Sa, and the
approach of the "Communicative Theology". The second part by
Matthias Scharer gives an introduction to the main elements of
the "Communicative Theology".

( IPS Jnanadeepa8/1 lanauam2O05)