/ 26 pages
Flächennutzung, Nutzvieh und Jagd im Gurgler... (1987)

318 Heinz Janetschek

(1.800 m). Sonstiges Wild ist kurz erwähnt. Auffassungen der Einheimischen zu Pro¬
blemen der Landschaftspflege und einige Ergebnisse einer Kurzstudie über Futterse¬
lektion des Schafes in Krummseggenrasen in 2.560 m beschließen die Abhandlung.
Der Störanfälligkeit des jetzigen Systems Tourismus-Landwirtschaft sind sich die Ein¬
heimischen bewußt.


Land use, live stock and hunting in the region of Gurgl

Results of inquiries on land use in the area, on farming and hunting are given,
based on public documents, questionnaires and interviews with the indigenous popu-
lation and on some field studies. The area of Obergurgl and Untergurgl Covers verti-
cally a span from 1800 m (valley floor) to more than 3000 m a.s. (summitfloor; Hohe
Wilde 3482 m). About 2/3 of the area are so called "unproductive waste": glaciers
50 %, rocky regions, moraines and debris fans outside of alpine pasture ground ca.
16 %. Actually these regions are of prime and increasing importance for the tourism
besides the hunt. Pasture-Iand and alpine meadows amount to ca. 30 %. The rest
consists of woodland, valley-floor-meadows, areas of village, streets and roads a.o.
The Gurgl valley ist enormously deforested especially in consequence of gain of land
for farming purposes. Changes of land use between 1957-1974 are primarily related
to an increase of building-land (touristic facilities) and traffic areas. The area of used
(mowed) alpine meadows has decreased by 2/3, that of ski-runs increased to about
400 ha. Avalanches are threatening some buildings and roads, limiting also a further
increase of building.

Land-use by farming is restricted to keeping/breeding of cattle (Tiroler Grauvieh)
and sheep (Tiroler Bergschaf) as main farm animals. Changes in livestock
(1920-1975) and food-requirements are analized. The mean time of going to grass is
100 days (< 90-120), more than 2/3 of the year is spent in shed. Food-requirements
are compared with yields of hay, additional buyings are discussed. The historic and
actual meaning of the term „Kuhfuhre" is explained. Given economic difficulties cattle
and sheep would be given up last. Production of cattle and sheep and increases in
efficiency are treated. As well as most of the real estate is in possession of the indi¬
genous population, also the hunt is run practically by the indigenous only, as a hobby
with no Special economic importance. It concentrates on chamois, roe and marmot.
Estimates of actual densities and changes in total numbers are given. Following the
recent preserves marmots colonize now in the valley-floor-meadows (1800 m) also.
Some remarks on other game animals are given. Opinions of the indigenous people
on problems of land care and conservation and some results of a Short study on food
selection by sheep pasturing in the climax-vegetation {Caricetum curvulae) in 2560 m
a.s. are included. The farmers of the area are very well aware of the instability of the
present System of touristic industry and farming.


Die Bedeutung einer gepflegten Landschaft mit gepflegten Wiesen, Weidebetrieb
und der Möglichkeit, auch Wildtiere beobachten zu können, für den touristischen Er-