/ 288 pages
Book of Abstracts 2004 (2004)

17:30-18:00 F. Huisken , G. Ledoux, O. Guillois, and C. Reynaud

The photoluminescence of silicon nanoparticles and its
relevance for astrophysics

18:00-18:30 D. Ascenzi, D. Bassi, P. Franceschi, O. Hadjar, and P. Tosi

Guided-ion beam studies of hydrocarbon ion chemistry

18:30-18:50 Hot topic:

J.-H. Choi

Exploring the dynamics of hydrogen atom release from the
radical-radical reaction of O( 3 P) with C 3 H 5

18:50-19:10 Hot topic:

C. Petrongolo . P. Gamallo, M. Gonzales, R. Sayos, and P.

Real wave packet dynamics of the reactions N+NO and

19:10-19:35 Oral (I 1 ) poster presentations (PC1-PC24)

19:45 Dinner

21:15 Poster session (PC1-PC24)

Thursday. 5 February 2004

SESSION 7: "Surfaces, Helium-nanodroplet and Radical

Spectroscopy" (Session Chair: Futrell)

8:30-9:00 S. J. Sibener

Scattering, Imaging, and Simulation Studies of Dynamics at

9:00-9:30 R. E. Miller

Chemistry near absolute zero: Helium nanodroplet

9:30-10:00 Z. Bacic . H. Jiang, J. W. Moskowitz, A. Sarsa, K. E.

Schmidt, and J. M. Hutson

Vibrational dynamics of molecules and hydrogen-bonded
dimers in argon and helium clusters

10:00-10:30 T. A. Miller

Spectroscopic studies of chemical intermediates involved in
hydrocarbon oxidation

10:30-11:00 Coffee break