/ 288 pages
Book of Abstracts 2004 (2004)


Invited Lectures

Electron interactions with atomic and molecular clusters: Excitation, ionization and dissociation

J. Fedor, G. Gluch, R. Parajuli, S. Matt-Leubner, O. Echt, F. Hagelberg, A. Stamatovic,

M. Probst, P. Scheier, and T. D. Mark ..................................................................................................... IL-1

Influence of exchange symmetry in low temperature ion-molecule reactions

D. Gerlich .............................................................................................................. IL-2

The challenge of the ab initio calculation of radiative association rates: C + + H and C + + H 2

M. C. van Hemert and G. Barinovs .......................................................................................................... IL-3

Tunneling of water and other protic groups between the two lone pairs of Dimethylether

W. Caminatù A. Maris, S. Melandri, A. Millemaggi, P. Ottaviani, B. Velino, J. L. Alonso,

S. Blanco, A. Lesarri, J. C. Lopez, and S. Mata ................................................................................. IL-4

New electronic and magnetic properties of organized organic monolayers

I. Carmeli, G. Leitus, S. Reich, Z. Vager, and R. Naaman ....................................................................... IL-5

Structure and dynamics of organic molecules - water complexes

M. Becucci , G. Pietraperzia, M. Pasquini, G. Piani, A. Zoppi, R. Chelli, I. Lopez-Tocon,

andE. Castellucci ..................................................................................................................... IL-6

Molecular dication reactions of interest for planetary ionospheres

R. Thissen, H. Soldi-Lose, C. Alcaraz, O. Dutuit . J. Zabka, J. Roithova, Z. Herman,

P. Franceschi, D. Bassi ........................................................................................................................ IL-7

Spectroscopy of molecular clusters

Z. Yu, C. C. Chuang, K. J. Higgings, and W. Klemperer .......................................................................... IL-8

Magic numbers for helium cluster ions containing an Ar or Ne atom

C. Brindle, M. Prado, K. J. Janda , N. Halberstadt, and M. Lewerenz ....................................................... IL-9

Photoelectron spectroscopy of metal and semiconductor cluster anions

D.M. Neumark ..................................................................................................................... IL-10