/ 288 pages
Book of Abstracts 2004 (2004)

Hot Topics

Reactions of fast chlorine atoms with hydrocarbons studied using velocity map imaging

C. Vallance , M. Brouard, M. Bass, R. Cireasa, and T. Preston ................................................. HT-1

Double photo-ionization of hydrogen halide molecules

M. Alagia , F. Biondini, B. G. Brunetti, P. Candori, S. Falcinelli, M. Moix Texidor, F. Pirani, R.
Richter, S. Stranges, and F. Vecchiocattivi ...................................................................... HT-2

Using coincidences to study the dynamics of the reactions of molecular dications

S. W.-P. Hu, S. M. Harper, and S. P. Price ...................................................................... HT-3

Crossed beam study of the O( 3 P) + C2H4 reaction using "soft" electron impact ionization:
Primary products, reaction dynamics and branching ratios

G. Capozza , E. Segoloni, G. G. Volpi, and P. Casavecchia ...................................................... HT-4

Statisticodynamical approach of chemical reaction dynamics

L. Bonnet , A. Perrier, P. Larrégaray, and J. C. Rayez ............................................................ HT-5

Exploring the dynamics of hydrogen atom release from the radical-radical reaction
ofO( 3 P)withC 3 H 5

J.-H. Choi .............................................................................................................. HT-6

Real wave packet dynamics of the reactions N + NO and LiH + H

C. Petrongolo , P. Gamallo, M. Gonzales, R. Sayös, and P. Defazio ......................................... HT-7

Reactions of state-selected H 2 + (X, v + = 0-17,1ST = 1) with Ne and Ar: a pulsed field
ionization-photoelectron-secondary ion coincidence study

T. Zhang, X. Qian, C. Y. Ng, Y.-H Chiu, D. J. Levandier , J. S. Miller, and R. Dressier ......... HT-8