/ 288 pages
Book of Abstracts 2004 (2004)


Poster Session A

Current activities at the Atomic and Molecular Data Unit of the International Atomic Energy Agency

R. E. H. Clark .............................................................................................................................................. PA-1

Does the Triplet state Play a Role in Delayed lonization of Coo?

O. Echt , S. Yao, R. Deng, K. Hansen.......................................................................................................... PA-2

Absolute, partial and differential electron impact ionization cross sections for hydrocarbons and uracil

S. Feil, K. Gluch, S. Matt-Leubner , A. Stamatovic, H. Deutsch, M. Probst, P. Scheier, T.D.
Maerk ........................................................................................................................................................... PA-3

Development of new experiments to study low energy ion molecule collisions and electron molecule

T.A. Field and AJE. Slatterv ........................................................................................................................ PA-4

Photofragment spectroscopy of biological molecules in the gas phase

A. Kamariotis, S.R. Mercier, O.V. Boyarkin, R. D. Beck and T.R. Rizzo ................................................. PA-5

Ultrafast Intramolecular Dynamics after Overtone Excitation of CH 3 I, C 2 H 5 I, CF3CHFI, and C 7 H 8

V. Krylov, M. Nikitchenko, M. Quack, and G. Seyfang ............................................................................. PA-6

Dynamics of the Gas-Liquid Interfacial Reaction O( 3 P) + Squalane

S.P. Koehler , H. Kelso, D.A. Henderson, M. Allan, and K.G. McKendrick .............................................. PA-7

Hyperthermal reactions of O + with CH4/CD4: a guided-ion beam study

D. J. Levandier and Y.-H. Chiu, R. A. Dressier .......................................................................................... PA-8

Simultaneous Real-Time Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Nose-Space Analysis by Proton-
Transfer-Reaction Mass-Spectrometry During Eating

C. Lindinger, S. Ali, A Buettner, P. Schieberle, C. Stoupis, P. Vock, C. Yeretzian ................................... PA-9

Photochemistry of dimethyl disulphide (CH 3 S 2 CH 3 ) at 193.3 nm

B. Martinez-Haya, M. Bass, M. Brouard, C. Vallance ............................................................................... PA-10