/ 288 pages
Book of Abstracts 2004 (2004)

SASP Erwin Schrödinger Award

In 1992 the "SASP Erwin Schrödinger Award for Outstanding Scientific
Achievement" was initiated. It is granted to scientists, chosen among those
who have strong connections to the activities of SASP. So far the award was
granted to

1992: David SMITH, Birmingham

1994: Zdenek HERMAN, Praha

1996: Werner LINDINGER and Tilmann MARK, Innsbruck

1998: Eldon FERGUSON, Boulder and Chava LIFSHITZ, Jerusalem

2000: Jean FUTRELL, Richland

2002: Eugen ILLENBERGER, Berlin

Recipient of this year's SASP Award 2004 - in the form of the "Erwin
Schrödinger GoldMedaF designed by Zdenek Herman - will be


Anna GIARDINI will receive the award for her outstanding contributions to
the field of ion-molecule reactions, electron-atom/molecule interactions,
multiphoton processes, and spectroscopy and mass spectrometry of clusters
and chiral molecule complexes, subjects that have been in the center of
interest of SASP since its beginning.