/ 288 pages
Book of Abstracts 2004 (2004)


14 Symposium

Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics

(SASP 2004)


Sunday« 1 February 2004

15:30-19:00 Registration at conference desk

19:30 Dinner

Monday, 2 February 2004

8:30-8:40 P. Casavecchia

Welcome, Introductory remarks, Announcements

SESSION 1: "Clusters, Ion-molecule reactions, Radiative Association"

______________ (Session Chair: M. Quack) ___________

8:40-9:10 J. Fedor, K. Gluch, R. Parajuli, S. Matt-Leubner, O. Echt,

F. Hagelberg, A. Stamatovic, M. Probst, P. Scheier,
and T. D. Mark

Electron interactions with atomic and molecular clusters:
excitation, ionization and dissociation

9:10-9:40 D. Geruch

Influence of exchange symmetry in low temperature ion -
molecule reactions

9:40-10:10 M. van Hemert

The challenge of the ab initto calculation of radiative
association rates: C + + H and C + + H 2

10:10-10:30 Hot topic:

C. Vallance . M. Brouard, M. Bass, R. Cireasa, T. Preston

Reactions of fast chlorine atoms with hydrocarbons studied
using velocity map imaging