/ 388 pages
Contributions 1982 (1982)

Ion - surface interaction

Excitation and polarization of projectiles in ion-
beam surface interaction at grazing incidence
H.J. Andrä 83

Towards a unified model for the formation of
sputtered excited states
R. Kelly 84

Ion neutralization at surfaces

P. Varga 91

Measurement of metastable fractions in noble-gas
ion beams
W. Hofer, W. Vanek, P. Varga and H. Winter 95

Ion-surface interactions at low energies

E. Taglauer 1o1

Photon stimulated desorption revisited

D. Menzel 1o6

Quasi-crystalline organic layers studied with

photo-emission and meta-emission spectroscopies

C. Boiziau, C. Juret, G. Lecayon, R. Nuvolone

and C . Reynaud 111

Changes in the surface composition of TiC, TaC and
WC under low energy ion bombardment
H. S tori, G. Betz and P. Braun 117

Memory effects and cleaning of plasma tubes

H.G. Lergon and K.G. Müller 123

Long time effects in radiation enhanced permeation
of H through stainless steel tubes
G. Schwarzinger and R. Dobrozemsky 129

Diffusion to the surface in the annealing of radia¬
tion damage in inorganic insulating solids
W. Ritter and T.D. Mark 134

Spectroscopy and laser physics

A photon's view of resonances in low-energy
ion-atom collisions
H. Helm 141

Investigation of ion molecule collisions by
spectroscopic techniques
A. Ding, K. Richter and U. Steinmetzger 144

Progress report on recent spectroscopic and laser
relevant investigations

F. Howorka, I. Kuen, W. Fédérer, B. Jelenkovic,
J.H. Futrell, K. Rozsa, A. Ding and R.N. Varney 15o