/ 388 pages
Contributions 1982 (1982)

The energy dependences of reactions of C + , CH + and
CH 2 with various neutrals
St. Niccolini, D. Bassi, S. Ianotta,
H. Villinger, R. Richter, A. Saxer and
W. Lindinger 291

A selected ion flow tube investigation on the
quenching of N 2 (vjéO) by various neutrals
W. Dob 1er, F. Howorka and W. Lindinger 295

Kinetic energy dependences of the branching ratios
of the reactions He + , Ne + and Ar + + H 2 0
W. Dobler, W. Lindinger and F. Howorka 299

Calculations of reactive cross sections and rate
coefficients for isotopic variants of the
H + + H 2 - system in the energy range 2meV-1.8eV
D. Gerlich 3o4

Ion mobilities and ion-atom interaction potentials

I.R. Gatland 31 o

Mobilities of CH£ (n=O,1,2,3) in He and of CH^ in Ar
K. Peska, G. Sejkora, H. S tori, F. Egger,
H. Ramier, M. Kriegel and W. Lindinger 318

Lateral diffusion of mass identified ions: experimental
G. Sejkora, M. Grossi, H. Helm, M. Hilchenbach,
M.T. Elford, W. Lindinger and T.D. Mark 322

Collisions of excited atoms

Collisions of Rydberg atoms

F. Gounand 327

Various probes of configuration interaction in
barium Rydberg states

W. Sandner, K.A. Safinya, F. Gounand and
T.F. Gallagher 333

Ionization by excited rare gas atoms of short
A. Pesnelle 338

Differential cross sections for Ne(^P o ) and Ne(3p 2 )
scatterd from ground state neon
W. Beyer, H. Haberland and D. Hausamann 348

Collisional ionization of rubidium excited states
M. Cheret, L. Barbier, W. Lindinger and
R. Deloche 354

List of authors and participants 359